Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lesbian vs. Vin Diesel

Last night I had a dream that I kissed my roommate. Not only that, but we were dating. My roommate is a girl. And I'm a girl. And I'm straight. What in the world?! Seriously, I'm not against lesbians or gays or bisexuals or anything, but why would I dream about that? One time I dreamed that I was being chased and raped by a guy. Actually it was an awful nightmare, and very real. I woke up sweating and was seriously freaked out by the whole thing. So I looked up the meaning of being raped in a dream and it said that I wanted to be sexually dominated. So, okay that was kind of true, actually very true, but couldn't my subconscious have found a better way to bring this to my attention?! And by bringing up that dream I am not saying I'm subconsciously interested in girls (or maybe I am? Ha!). But I think its more about this Bisexual Reality Television show I've been watching. It really makes me wonder what it'd be like to date a girl. I've kissed girls before (high school, to get attention from boys), and its different. But would I prefer that? No. And what about when a girl wants to be held and protected and swept off her feet and all that? How is another girl going to fufill that? There isn't a girl that could ever pick me up Vin Diesel style and slam me against a car making out. Or maybe there is some girl that can, but that image kinda turns me off. I just can't be fufilled by a girl. So whatever my subconscious is trying to tell me on this one, is lost by me.