Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Stress Much?

Okay this is pointless, but no one reads this anyways, so I'm just going to get my stres out of my system. Number One Stress on my mind is the fact that I missed my first french exam, and told her I was applying to the program of students with disabilities, because I have a hard time goin to class when I'm depressed. Well, the damn program just now wants to discuss letting me in at the end of the semester, and i'm transferring anyways. But if I don't want to fail this class, I need the damn program. Number Two Stress is the fact that I oversplet my history exam on Monday, got a sick note, and I'm retaking it tomorrow after class. I need to get a good grade. Which brings me to Big Stress Number Three. I need to eventually get into FSU, hopefully in the Summer, and I have to have at least a 3.0 to do it. I have a 2.4 now, and I have like no hours. Ahhhhh. Stress Number Four: I am fat. Nothing Stresses a girl out or makes her more miserable than having a freaking fat day. But this is no ordinary fat day; i look like i'm freaking pregnant. I have packed on pounds, and this fact alone causes stress and depression. I am like 125 and my idealish weight is like 115. great. an extra ten pounds, and before the holidays even. That is all that is on my mind at the moment.